
Revisiting Blueshift Interpretation In Light Of Recent Discovery Of Multiple Systems Of Quasars

Justin Singh, Shirin Haque
Astrophysics, Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)
2023-05-31 16:00:00
This study investigates the anomalies associated with redshifts from emission lines in certain quasar candidates and the viability of a blueshift interpretation instead. The sample was taken from the Million Quasars Catalog (MILLIQUAS), representing the unidentified class with a redshift greater than 1. This sample was further constrained to those with spectra available, giving 208 candidates in total. This paper presents results on the sample, with the reported redshifts and the proposed blueshift interpretation. A subset of the 38% of the sample was further analyzed using the best redshift interpretation of the emission lines from our analysis, which differed from the reported redshifts, in comparison with the blueshift interpretation. The number of unidentified lines under each interpretation was compared and was found to be statistically different at a 0.05 level of significance, with a larger number of unidentified lines under the redshift interpretation. The average difference between the largest and smallest line values were also compared and found to be statistically different with an average difference of 0.0295 for redshift and 0.0141 for blueshift. 88% of the analyzed sample provided an overall better interpretation under the blueshift hypothesis, indicating that it is important to consider this possibility as well in light of new discoveries, which has implications for the dynamics of quasars and the line of sight.
PDF: Revisiting Blueshift Interpretation In Light Of Recent Discovery Of Multiple Systems Of Quasars.pdf
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