
Subhalo abundance and satellite spatial distribution in Milky Way-Andromeda-like paired haloes

Kemeng Li, Shi Shao, Ping He, Qing Gu, Jie Wang
Astrophysics, Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)
2022,Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22(12), 125020
2023-06-11 16:00:00
We study the subhalo and satellite populations in haloes similar to the Milky Way (MW)-Andromeda paired configuration in the Millennium II and P-Millennium simulations. We find subhaloes are $5\%-15\%$ more abundant in paired haloes than their isolated counterparts that have the same halo mass and large-scale environmental density. Paired haloes tend to reside in a more isotropic environment than isolated haloes, the shear tensor of their large-scale tidal field is possibly responsible for this difference. We also study the thickness of the spatial distribution of the top 11 most massive satellite galaxies obtained in the semi-analytic galaxy sample constructed from the Millennium II simulation. Moreover, satellites that have lost their host subhaloes due to the resolution limit of the simulation have been taken into account. As a result, we find that the difference in the distribution of the satellite thickness between isolated and paired haloes is indistinguishable, which suggests that the paired configuration is not responsible for the observed plane of satellites in the Milky Way. The results in this study indicate the paired configuration could bring some nonnegligible effect on the subhalo abundance in the investigation of the Milky Way's satellite problems.
PDF: Subhalo abundance and satellite spatial distribution in Milky Way-Andromeda-like paired haloes.pdf
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