
A connection between the boomerang uniformity and the extended differential in odd characteristic and applications

Mohit Pal, Pantelimon Stanica
Computer Science, Information Theory, Information Theory (cs.IT), Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM), Number Theory (math.NT)
2023-12-03 00:00:00
This paper makes the first bridge between the classical differential/boomerang uniformity and the newly introduced $c$-differential uniformity. We show that the boomerang uniformity of an odd APN function is given by the maximum of the entries (except for the first row/column) of the function's $(-1)$-Difference Distribution Table. In fact, the boomerang uniformity of an odd permutation APN function equals its $(-1)$-differential uniformity. We next apply this result to easily compute the boomerang uniformity of several odd APN functions. In the second part we give two classes of differentially low-uniform functions obtained by modifying the inverse function. The first class of permutations (CCZ-inequivalent to the inverse) over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ ($p$, an odd prime) is obtained from the composition of the inverse function with an order-$3$ cycle permutation, with differential uniformity $3$ if $p=3$ and $n$ is odd; $5$ if $p=13$ and $n$ is even; and $4$ otherwise. The second class is a family of binomials and we show that their differential uniformity equals~$4$. We next complete the open case of $p=3$ in the investigation started by G\" olo\u glu and McGuire (2014), for $p\geq 5$, and continued by K\"olsch (2021), for $p=2$, $n\geq 5$, on the characterization of $L_1(X^{p^n-2})+L_2(X)$ (with linearized $L_1,L_2$) being a permutation polynomial. Finally, we extend to odd characteristic a result of Charpin and Kyureghyan (2010) providing an upper bound for the differential uniformity of the function and its switched version via a trace function.
PDF: A connection between the boomerang uniformity and the extended differential in odd characteristic and applications.pdf
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