
CLEAR: Cross-Transformers with Pre-trained Language Model is All you need for Person Attribute Recognition and Retrieval

Doanh C. Bui, Thinh V. Le, Hung Ba Ngo, Tae Jong Choi
Computer Science, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
2024-03-10 00:00:00
Person attribute recognition and attribute-based retrieval are two core human-centric tasks. In the recognition task, the challenge is specifying attributes depending on a person's appearance, while the retrieval task involves searching for matching persons based on attribute queries. There is a significant relationship between recognition and retrieval tasks. In this study, we demonstrate that if there is a sufficiently robust network to solve person attribute recognition, it can be adapted to facilitate better performance for the retrieval task. Another issue that needs addressing in the retrieval task is the modality gap between attribute queries and persons' images. Therefore, in this paper, we present CLEAR, a unified network designed to address both tasks. We introduce a robust cross-transformers network to handle person attribute recognition. Additionally, leveraging a pre-trained language model, we construct pseudo-descriptions for attribute queries and introduce an effective training strategy to train only a few additional parameters for adapters, facilitating the handling of the retrieval task. Finally, the unified CLEAR model is evaluated on five benchmarks: PETA, PA100K, Market-1501, RAPv2, and UPAR-2024. Without bells and whistles, CLEAR achieves state-of-the-art performance or competitive results for both tasks, significantly outperforming other competitors in terms of person retrieval performance on the widely-used Market-1501 dataset.
PDF: CLEAR: Cross-Transformers with Pre-trained Language Model is All you need for Person Attribute Recognition and Retrieval.pdf
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