
Collision Avoidance and Geofencing for Fixed-wing Aircraft with Control Barrier Functions

Tamas G. Molnar, Suresh K. Kannan, James Cunningham, Kyle Dunlap, Kerianne L. Hobbs, Aaron D. Ames
Computer Science, Systems and Control, Systems and Control (eess.SY), Robotics (cs.RO), Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
2024-03-04 00:00:00
Safety-critical failures often have fatal consequences in aerospace control. Control systems on aircraft, therefore, must ensure the strict satisfaction of safety constraints, preferably with formal guarantees of safe behavior. This paper establishes the safety-critical control of fixed-wing aircraft in collision avoidance and geofencing tasks. A control framework is developed wherein a run-time assurance (RTA) system modulates the nominal flight controller of the aircraft whenever necessary to prevent it from colliding with other aircraft or crossing a boundary (geofence) in space. The RTA is formulated as a safety filter using control barrier functions (CBFs) with formal guarantees of safe behavior. CBFs are constructed and compared for a nonlinear kinematic fixed-wing aircraft model. The proposed CBF-based controllers showcase the capability of safely executing simultaneous collision avoidance and geofencing, as demonstrated by simulations on the kinematic model and a high-fidelity dynamical model.
PDF: Collision Avoidance and Geofencing for Fixed-wing Aircraft with Control Barrier Functions.pdf
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