How do correlations shape the landscape of information?
Ching-Peng Huang
Computer Science, Information Theory, Information Theory (cs.IT), Algebraic Geometry (math.AG), Biological Physics (, Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC)
2023-12-01 00:00:00
We explore a few common models on how correlations affect information. The main model considered is the Shannon mutual information $I(S:R_1,\cdots, R_i)$ over distributions with marginals $P_{S,R_i}$ fixed for each $i$, with the analogy in which $S$ is the stimulus and $R_i$'s are neurons. We work out basic models in details, using algebro-geometric tools to write down discriminants that separate distributions with distinct qualitative behaviours in the probability simplex into toric chambers and evaluate the volumes of them algebraically. As a byproduct, we provide direct translation between a decomposition of mutual information inspired by a series expansion and one from partial information decomposition (PID) problems, characterising the synergistic terms of the former. We hope this paper serves for communication between communities especially mathematics and theoretical neuroscience on the topic. KEYWORDS: information theory, algebraic statistics, mathematical neuroscience, partial information decomposition