
Infinite class of quantum codes derived from duadic constacyclic codes

Reza Dastbasteh, Josu Etxezarreta Martinez, Andrew Nemec, Antonio deMarti iOlius, Pedro Crespo Bofill
Computer Science, Information Theory, Information Theory (cs.IT)
2023-12-11 00:00:00
We present a family of non-CSS quantum stabilizer codes using the structure of duadic constacyclic codes over $\mathbb{F}_4$. Within this family, quantum codes can possess varying dimensions, and their minimum distances are bounded by a square root bound. For each fixed dimension, this allows us to construct an infinite sequence of binary quantum codes with a growing minimum distance. Additionally, we demonstrate that this quantum family includes an infinite subclass of degenerate codes with the mentioned properties. We also introduce a technique for extending splittings of duadic constacyclic codes, providing new insights into the minimum distance and minimum odd-like weight of specific duadic constacyclic codes. Finally, we establish that many best-known quantum codes belong to this family and provide numerical examples of quantum codes with short lengths within this family.
PDF: Infinite class of quantum codes derived from duadic constacyclic codes.pdf
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