Prior-Aware Robust Beam Alignment for Low-SNR Millimeter-Wave Communications
Jihun Park, Yongjeong Oh, Jaewon Yun, Seonjung Kim, Yo-Seb Jeon
Computer Science, Information Theory, Information Theory (cs.IT), Signal Processing (eess.SP)
2023-12-02 00:00:00
This paper presents a robust beam alignment technique for millimeter-wave communications in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments. The core strategy of our technique is to repeatedly transmit the most probable beam candidates to reduce beam misalignment probability induced by noise. Specifically, for a given beam training overhead, both the selection of candidates and the number of repetitions for each beam candidate are optimized based on channel prior information. To achieve this, a deep neural network is employed to learn the prior probability of the optimal beam at each location. The beam misalignment probability is then analyzed based on the channel prior, forming the basis for an optimization problem aimed at minimizing the analyzed beam misalignment probability. A closed-form solution is derived for a special case with two beam candidates, and an efficient algorithm is developed for general cases with multiple beam candidates. Simulation results using the DeepMIMO dataset demonstrate the superior performance of our technique in dynamic low-SNR communication environments when compared to existing beam alignment techniques.