Shortened Polar Codes under Automorphism Ensemble Decoding
Charles Pillet, Ilshat Sagitov, Valerio Bioglio, Pascal Giard
Computer Science, Information Theory, Information Theory (cs.IT)
2024-03-01 00:00:00
In this paper, we propose a low-latency decoding solution of shortened polar codes based on their automorphism groups. The automorphism group of shortened polar codes, designed according to two existing shortening patterns, are shown to be limited but non-empty, making the Automorphism Ensemble (AE) decoding of shortened polar codes possible. Extensive simulation results for shortened polar codes under AE are provided and are compared to the SC-List (SCL) algorithm. The block-error rate of shortened polar codes under AE matches or beats SCL while lowering the decoding latency.