
Statistics of noninteracting many-body fermionic states: The question of a many-body mobility edge

Ke Huang, DinhDuy Vu, Sankar Das Sarma, Xiao Li
Condensed Matter, Disordered Systems and Neural Networks, Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn), Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
2023-06-19 16:00:00
In this work, we study the statistics of a generic noninteracting many-body fermionic system whose single-particle counterpart has a single-particle mobility edge (SPME). We first prove that the spectrum and the extensive conserved quantities follow the multivariate normal distribution with a vanishing standard deviation $\sim O(1/\sqrt L)$ in the thermodynamic limit, regardless of SPME. Consequently, the theorem rules out an infinite-temperature or high-temperature many-body mobility edge (MBME) for generic noninteracting fermionic systems. Further, we also prove that the spectrum of a fermionic many-body system with short-range interactions is qualitatively similar to that of a noninteracting many-body system up to the third-order moment. These results partially explain why neither short-range [1] nor long-range interacting systems exhibit an infinite-temperature MBME.
PDF: Statistics of noninteracting many-body fermionic states: The question of a many-body mobility edge.pdf
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