
Where do hard problems really exist?

Raffaele Marino
Condensed Matter, Disordered Systems and Neural Networks, Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn), Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech), Computational Complexity (cs.CC)
2023-09-27 16:00:00
This chapter delves into the realm of computational complexity, exploring the world of challenging combinatorial problems and their ties with statistical physics. Our exploration starts by delving deep into the foundations of combinatorial challenges, emphasizing their nature. We will traverse the class P, which comprises problems solvable in polynomial time using deterministic algorithms, contrasting it with the class NP, where finding efficient solutions remains an enigmatic endeavor, understanding the intricacies of algorithmic transitions and thresholds demarcating the boundary between tractable and intractable problems. We will discuss the implications of the P versus NP problem, representing one of the profoundest unsolved enigmas of computer science and mathematics, bearing a tantalizing reward for its resolution. Drawing parallels between combinatorics and statistical physics, we will uncover intriguing interconnections that shed light on the nature of challenging problems. Statistical physics unveils profound analogies with complexities witnessed in combinatorial landscapes. Throughout this chapter, we will discuss the interplay between computational complexity theory and statistical physics. By unveiling the mysteries surrounding challenging problems, we aim to deepen understanding of the very essence of computation and its boundaries. Through this interdisciplinary approach, we aspire to illuminate the intricate tapestry of complexity underpinning the mathematical and physical facets of hard problems.
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