A new model of trust based on neural information processing
Scott E. Allen, René F. Kizilcec, A. David Redish
Economics, General Economics, General Economics (econ.GN), Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC), Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC)
2024-01-16 00:00:00
More than 30 years of research has firmly established the vital role of trust in human organizations and relationships, but the underlying mechanisms by which people build, lose, and rebuild trust remains incompletely understood. We propose a mechanistic model of trust that is grounded in the modern neuroscience of decision making. Since trust requires anticipating the future actions of others, any mechanistic model must be built upon up-to-date theories on how the brain learns, represents, and processes information about the future within its decision-making systems. Contemporary neuroscience has revealed that decision making arises from multiple parallel systems that perform distinct, complementary information processing. Each system represents information in different forms, and therefore learns via different mechanisms. When an act of trust is reciprocated or violated, this provides new information that can be used to anticipate future actions. The taxonomy of neural information representations that is the basis for the system boundaries between neural decision-making systems provides a taxonomy for categorizing different forms of trust and generating mechanistic predictions about how these forms of trust are learned and manifested in human behavior. Three key predictions arising from our model are (1) strategic risk-taking can reveal how to best proceed in a relationship, (2) human organizations and environments can be intentionally designed to encourage trust among their members, and (3) violations of trust need not always degrade trust, but can also provide opportunities to build trust.