
Roughness Signature Functions

Peter Christensen
Economics, Econometrics, Econometrics (econ.EM)
2024-01-05 00:00:00
Inspired by the activity signature introduced by Todorov and Tauchen (2010), which was used to measure the activity of a semimartingale, this paper introduces the roughness signature function. The paper illustrates how it can be used to determine whether a discretely observed process is generated by a continuous process that is rougher than a Brownian motion, a pure-jump process, or a combination of the two. Further, if a continuous rough process is present, the function gives an estimate of the roughness index. This is done through an extensive simulation study, where we find that the roughness signature function works as expected on rough processes. We further derive some asymptotic properties of this new signature function. The function is applied empirically to three different volatility measures for the S&P500 index. The three measures are realized volatility, the VIX, and the option-extracted volatility estimator of Todorov (2019). The realized volatility and option-extracted volatility show signs of roughness, with the option-extracted volatility appearing smoother than the realized volatility, while the VIX appears to be driven by a continuous martingale with jumps.
PDF: Roughness Signature Functions.pdf
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