
Semiparametrically Optimal Cointegration Test

Bo Zhou
Economics, Econometrics, Econometrics (econ.EM)
2023-05-12 16:00:00
This paper aims to address the issue of semiparametric efficiency for cointegration rank testing in finite-order vector autoregressive models, where the innovation distribution is considered an infinite-dimensional nuisance parameter. Our asymptotic analysis relies on Le Cam's theory of limit experiment, which in this context takes the form of Locally Asymptotically Brownian Functional (LABF). By leveraging the structural version of LABF, an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck experiment, we develop the asymptotic power envelopes of asymptotically invariant tests for both cases with and without a time trend. We propose feasible tests based on a nonparametrically estimated density and demonstrate that their power can achieve the semiparametric power envelopes, making them semiparametrically optimal. We validate the theoretical results through large-sample simulations and illustrate satisfactory size control and excellent power performance of our tests under small samples. In both cases with and without time trend, we show that a remarkable amount of additional power can be obtained from non-Gaussian distributions.
PDF: Semiparametrically Optimal Cointegration Test.pdf
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