
Study on Standardizing Working Time: A Case of XYZ Retail Store in Bandung, Indonesia

Aprodhita Anindya Putri, Akhmad Yunani
Economics, General Economics, General Economics (econ.GN)
Aprodhita Anindya Putri, Akhmad Yunani. "Study on Standardizing Working Time: A Case of XYZ Retail Store in Bandung, Indonesia" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 86-94, 2024
2024-03-14 00:00:00
Work time standardization helps to find and reduce wasteful movements and time in the workplace, such as chatting, mobile phone use, insufficient rest, or unproductive tasks. This study aims to map the process of displaying products from the warehouse to the shelves and calculate and determine the standard working time of employees of the Operations Division of PT XYZ Branch who oversee displaying X Milk and Y Bread. The data was collected six times in three weeks, including interviews and observations, and took a sample of 20 pieces on each product to carry out data analysis such as data sufficiency tests and control charts. Several time deviations were found in the display process of X Milk products on all observation days in different activities. Whereas in the process of displaying Y Bread, only the deviation of working time was found on the 4th observation day, which proves that the process needs to have a standard working time so that the activity work time is more controlled. Therefore, the analysis is carried out with the calculation of performance rating, time allowance, normal time, and standard time. The result of the standard time calculation for the display process of X Milk products is 15.83 minutes and Y Bread is 9.18 minutes for each product of 20 units.
PDF: Study on Standardizing Working Time: A Case of XYZ Retail Store in Bandung, Indonesia.pdf
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