The Local Projection Residual Bootstrap for AR(1) Models
Amilcar Velez
Economics, Econometrics, Econometrics (econ.EM)
2023-09-04 16:00:00
This paper proposes a local projection residual bootstrap method to construct confidence intervals for impulse response coefficients of AR(1) models. Our bootstrap method is based on the local projection (LP) approach and a residual bootstrap procedure. We present theoretical results for our bootstrap method and proposed confidence intervals. First, we prove the uniform consistency of the LP-residual bootstrap over a large class of AR(1) models that allow for a unit root. Then, we prove the asymptotic validity of our confidence intervals over the same class of AR(1) models. Finally, we show that the LP-residual bootstrap provides asymptotic refinements for confidence intervals on a restricted class of AR(1) models relative to those required for the uniform consistency of our bootstrap.