Variable Selection in High Dimensional Linear Regressions with Parameter Instability
Alexander Chudik, M. Hashem Pesaran, Mahrad Sharifvaghefi
Economics, Econometrics, Econometrics (econ.EM)
2023-12-24 00:00:00
This paper is concerned with the problem of variable selection in the presence of parameter instability when both the marginal effects of signals on the target variable and the correlations of the covariates in the active set could vary over time. We pose the issue of whether one should use weighted or unweighted observations at the variable selection stage in the presence of parameter instability, particularly when the number of potential covariates is large. We allow parameter instability to be continuous or discrete, subject to certain regularity conditions. We discuss the pros and cons of Lasso and the One Covariate at a time Multiple Testing (OCMT) method for variable selection and argue that OCMT has important advantages under parameter instability. We establish three main theorems on selection, estimation post selection, and in-sample fit. These theorems provide justification for using unweighted observations at the selection stage of OCMT and down-weighting of observations only at the forecasting stage. It is shown that OCMT delivers better forecasts, in mean squared error sense, as compared to Lasso, Adaptive Lasso and boosting both in Monte Carlo experiments as well as in 3 sets of empirical applications: forecasting monthly returns on 28 stocks from Dow Jones , forecasting quarterly output growths across 33 countries, and forecasting euro area output growth using surveys of professional forecasters.