
Volatility of Volatility and Leverage Effect from Options

Carsten H. Chong, Viktor Todorov
Economics, Econometrics, Econometrics (econ.EM), Statistics Theory (math.ST), Mathematical Finance (q-fin.MF), Statistical Finance (q-fin.ST)
2023-05-05 16:00:00
We propose model-free (nonparametric) estimators of the volatility of volatility and leverage effect using high-frequency observations of short-dated options. At each point in time, we integrate available options into estimates of the conditional characteristic function of the price increment until the options' expiration and we use these estimates to recover spot volatility. Our volatility of volatility estimator is then formed from the sample variance and first-order autocovariance of the spot volatility increments, with the latter correcting for the bias in the former due to option observation errors. The leverage effect estimator is the sample covariance between price increments and the estimated volatility increments. The rate of convergence of the estimators depends on the diffusive innovations in the latent volatility process as well as on the observation error in the options with strikes in the vicinity of the current spot price. Feasible inference is developed in a way that does not require prior knowledge of the source of estimation error that is asymptotically dominating.
PDF: Volatility of Volatility and Leverage Effect from Options.pdf
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