
Anisotropic fractional cosmology: K-essence theory

J. Socorro, J. Juan Rosales, L. Toledo Sesma
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc), High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
2023-08-19 16:00:00
In the particular configuration of the scalar field K-essence in the Wheeler-DeWitt quantum equation, for some age in the Bianchi type I anisotropic cosmological model, a fractional differential equation for the scalar field arises naturally. The order of the fractional differential equation is $\beta=\frac{2\alpha}{2\alpha - 1}$. This fractional equation belongs to different intervals, depending on the value of the barotropic parameter; when $\omega_{X} \in [0,1]$, the order belongs to the interval $1\leq \beta \leq 2$, and when $\omega_{X}\in[-1,0)$, the order belongs to the interval $0< \beta \leq 1$. In the quantum scheme, we introduce the factor ordering problem in the variables $(\Omega,\phi)$ and its corresponding momenta $(\Pi_\Omega, \Pi_\phi)$, obtaining a linear fractional differential equation with variable coefficients in the scalar field equation, then the solution is found using a fractional power series expansion. The corresponding quantum solutions are also given. We found the classical solution in the usual gauge N obtained in the Hamiltonian formalism and without a gauge. In the last case, the general solution is presented in a transformed time $T(\tau)$, however in the dust era we found a closed solution in the gauge time $\tau$. Keywords: Fractional derivative, Fractional Quantum Cosmology; K-essence formalism; Classical and Quantum exact solutions.
PDF: Anisotropic fractional cosmology: K-essence theory.pdf
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