Asymptotic analysis of Einstein-\AE ther theory and its memory effects: the linearized case
Shaoqi Hou, Anzhong Wang, Zong-Hong Zhu
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc), High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
2023-09-02 16:00:00
This work analyzes the asymptotic behaviors of the asymptotically flat solutions of Einstein-\ae ther theory in the linear case. The vacuum solutions for the tensor, vector, and scalar modes are first obtained, written as sums of various multipolar moments. The suitable coordinate transformations are then determined, and the so-called pseudo-Newman-Unti coordinate systems are constructed for all radiative modes. In this coordinates, it is easy to identify the asymptotic symmetries. It turns out that all three kinds of modes possess the familiar Bondi-Metzner-Sachs symmetries or the extensions as in general relativity. Moreover, there also exist the \emph{subleading} asymptotic symmetries parameterized by a time-dependent vector field on a unit 2-sphere. Because of the spontaneously symmetry breaking by the nontrivial vacuum expectation value of the \ae ther field, one may choose a gauge similar to the unitary gauge such that the superboost symmetry is forbidden. The memory effects are also identified. The tensorial gravitational wave also excites similar displacement, spin, and center-of-mass memories to those in general relativity. New memory effects due to the vector and scalar modes exist. The subleading asymptotic symmetry is related to the (leading) vector displacement memory effect, while the scalar memory effect seems to have nothing to do with the asymptotic symmetries at least in the linearized theory.