
Constraints via EHT for black hole solutions with dark matter under the generalized uncertainty principle minimal length scale effect

Ali Övgün, Lemuel John F. Sese, Reggie C. Pantig
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
2023-09-13 16:00:00
We derived four novel classes of spherically symmetric but non-asymptotically flat black hole solutions surrounded with spherical dark matter distribution perceived under the minimal length scale effect via the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). Here, we considered the effect of this quantum correction, described by the parameter $\gamma$, on a toy model galaxy with dark matter and the three well-known dark matter distributions: the Cold Dark Matter (CDM), Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM), and the Universal Rotation Curve (URC). We aimed to find constraints to $\gamma$ by applying these solutions to the known supermassive black holes: Sgr. A* and M87*, in conjunction with the available Event Horizon telescope. We then examined the effect of $\gamma$ on the event horizon, photonsphere, and shadow radii, where we observed unique deviations from the Schwarzschild case. As for the shadow radii, we obtained bounds for the values of $\gamma$ on each black hole solution at $1\sigma$ confidence level. Our results revealed that under minimal length scale effect, black holes can give positive (larger shadow) and negative values (smaller shadow) of $\gamma$, which are supported indirectly by laboratory experiments and astrophysical or cosmological observations, respectively.
PDF: Constraints via EHT for black hole solutions with dark matter under the generalized uncertainty principle minimal length scale effect.pdf
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