
Using the GP2X framework for center-of-mass energy precision studies at $e^+e^-$ Higgs factories

Brendon Madison
High Energy Physics - Experiment, High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
2023-08-17 16:00:00
Two channels for measuring the absolute center-of-mass energy, $\sqrt{s}$, and collision beam energies, $E_-$ and $E_+$, are investigated for future $e^+e^-$ Higgs factories. These two channels of DiMuons and Bhabhas are simulated in event generators and a new fast Monte Carlo, GP2X, has been developed to boost the events into the lab frame, and thus include luminosity spectrum effects from beamstrahlung and beam energy spread. GP2X also includes tracker and ECAL detector resolution effects. The performance of GP2X with WHIZARD, as GP2WHIZ, is found to be statistically consistent with iLCSoft while GP2X with KKMC, as GP2KKMC, is consistent within 3\%. We use the design concept for the ILC at $\sqrt{s}=250$GeV and ILD. Taking advantage of ILD's high-precision tracker we find precision near the 1-10 MeV level for all of $\sqrt{s}$ , $E_{\pm}$ for a 100~$\text{fb}^{-1}$ dataset. This is done using a new six parameter Beta distribution convolved with Gaussian fit. A Fourier transform deconvolution method with Savitzky-Golay filtering is used to improve the fitting of detector level data. Feasibility of these measurements will depend on future studies and detector calibration.
PDF: Using the GP2X framework for center-of-mass energy precision studies at $e^+e^-$ Higgs factories.pdf
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