
Lattice study on a tetra-quark state $T_{bb}$ in the HAL QCD method

Takafumi Aoki, Sinya Aoki, Takashi Inoue
High Energy Physics - Lattice, High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat), High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
2023-06-05 16:00:00
We study a doubly-bottomed tetra-quark state $(bb\bar{u}\bar{d})$ with quantum number $I(J^P)=0(1^+)$, denoted by $T_{bb}$, in lattice QCD with the Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD) quark action for $b$ quarks. Employing $(2+1)$-flavor gauge configurations at $a \approx 0.09$ {fm} on $32^3\times 64$ lattices, we have extracted the coupled channel potential between $\bar{B}\bar{B}^*$ and $\bar{B}^* \bar{B}^*$ in the HAL QCD method, which predicts an existence of a bound $T_{bb}$ below the $\bar{B}\bar{B}^*$ threshold. By extrapolating results at $m_\pi\approx 410,\, 570,\, 700$ {MeV} to the physical pion mass $m_\pi\approx140$ {MeV}, we obtain a biding energy with its statistical error as $E_{\rm binding}^{\rm (single)} = 155(17)$ MeV and $E_{\rm binding}^{\rm (coupled)} = 83(10)$ MeV, where ``coupled" means that effects due to virtual $\bar{B}^* \bar{B}^*$ states are included through the coupled channel potential, while only a potential for a single $\bar{B}\bar{B}^*$ channel is used in the analysis for ``single". A comparison shows that the effect from virtual $\bar{B}^* \bar{B}^*$ states is quite sizable to the binding energy of $T_{bb}$. We estimate systematic errors to be $\pm 20$ MeV at most, which are mainly caused by the NRQCD approximation for $b$ quarks.
PDF: Lattice study on a tetra-quark state $T_{bb}$ in the HAL QCD method.pdf
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