
QCD phase diagram and equation of state in background electric fields

Gergely Endrodi, Gergely Marko
High Energy Physics - Lattice, High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat), High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th), Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
2023-09-12 16:00:00
The phase diagram and the equation of state of QCD is investigated in the presence of weak background electric fields by means of continuum extrapolated lattice simulations. The complex action problem at nonzero electric field is circumvented by a novel Taylor expansion, enabling the determination of the linear response of the thermal QCD medium to constant electric fields -- in contrast to simulations at imaginary electric fields, which, as we demonstrate, involve an infrared singularity. Besides the electric susceptibility of QCD matter, we determine the dependence of the Polyakov loop on the field strength to leading order. Our results indicate a plasma-type behavior with a negative susceptibility at all temperatures, as well as an increase in the transition temperature as the electric field grows.
PDF: QCD phase diagram and equation of state in background electric fields.pdf
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