Common origin of dark matter, baryon asymmetry and neutrino masses in the standard model with extended scalars
Sin Kyu Kang, Raymundo Ramos
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
2023-09-14 16:00:00
We propose a model that simultaneously addresses the existence of a dark matter candidate, baryon asymmetry and tiny neutrino masses and mixing by introducing two SU(2) triplet scalars and an inert SU(2) doublet scalar on top of the standard model. The two triplet scalars serve as mediators in generation of lepton asymmetry and determination of relic density of dark matter. They also play an essential role in generation of tiny neutrino masses and inducing CP violation. The inert scalar is regarded as a dark matter candidate. The interference due to complex Breit-Wigner propagators for the triplets will result in CP-asymmetry that depends on the difference between their masses and a relative complex phase between their couplings to standard model leptons. Moreover, the production of lepton asymmetry will be closely tied to the evolution of dark matter, limiting the parameter space where the correct relic abundance and matter-antimatter asymmetry can be simultaneously accomplished.