
Domain-wall Skyrmion phase in a rapidly rotating QCD matter

Minoru Eto, Kentaro Nishimura, Muneto Nitta
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th), Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
YGHP-23-04, KEK-TH-2570
2023-10-25 16:00:00
Based on the chiral perturbation theory at the leading order, we show the presence of a new phase in rapidly rotating QCD matter with two flavors, that is a domain-wall Skyrmion phase. Based on the chiral Lagrangian with a Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) term responsible for the chiral anomaly and chiral vortical effect, it was shown that the ground state is a chiral soliton lattice(CSL) consisting of a stack of $\eta$-solitons in a high density region under rapid rotation. In a large parameter region, a single $\eta$-soliton decays into a pair of non-Abelian solitons, each of which carries ${\rm SU}(2)_{\rm V}/{\rm U}(1) \simeq {\mathbb C}P^1 \simeq S^2$ moduli as a consequence of the spontaneously broken vector symmetry ${\rm SU}(2)_{\rm V}$. In such a non-Abelian CSL, we construct the effective world-volume theory of a single non-Abelian soliton to obtain a $d=2+1$ dimensional ${\mathbb C}P^1$ model with a topological term originated from the WZW term. We show that when the chemical potential is larger than a critical value, a topological lump supported by the second homotopy group $\pi_2(S^2) \simeq {\mathbb Z}$ has negative energy and is spontaneously created, implying the domain-wall Skyrmion phase. This lump corresponds in the bulk to a Skyrmion supported by the third homotopy group $\pi_3[ {\rm SU}(2)] \simeq {\mathbb Z}$ carrying a baryon number. This composite state is called a domain-wall Skyrmion, and is stable even in the absence of the Skyrme term. An analytic formula for the effective nucleon mass in this medium is obtained as $4\sqrt{2}\pi f_{\pi}f_\eta/m_{\pi} \sim 1.21$ GeV with the decay constants $f_{\pi}$ and $f_\eta$ of the pions and $\eta$ meson, respectively, and the pion mass $m_{\pi}$, which is surprisingly close to the nucleon mass in the QCD vacuum.
PDF: Domain-wall Skyrmion phase in a rapidly rotating QCD matter.pdf
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