Evolution of colour correlated double parton distributions: a quantitative study
Markus Diehl, Florian Fabry, Peter Ploessl
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
2023-10-24 16:00:00
Double parton distributions satisfy the same evolution equations as ordinary single-parton densities, provided that the colour state of each parton is summed over individually. This is no longer the case when the two partons are correlated in their colour. Evolving such colour correlated distributions to higher scales results in a suppression by Sudakov double logarithms. We perform a detailed study of evolution for this case, both analytically and numerically, at lowest order and beyond. When the two observed partons originate from the perturbative splitting of a single one, the Sudakov suppression of colour correlations at the cross section level is not as strong as one might expect.