Full-order mode analysis within a mutilated relaxation time approximation
Jin Hu
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph), Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
2023-10-08 16:00:00
In this paper, a detailed normal mode analysis is given based on the Boltzmann equation in mutilated relaxation time approximation (RTA). Within this linearized effective kinetic description, our analysis covers a full-order calculation in wavenumber $k$, being a generalization of usual hydrodynamic mode analysis to intermediate and short-wavelength region. Besides, the proposed normal mode analysis can give a natural classification of kinetic modes into collective modes and non-collective single particle excitations. In the case with a scale-independent relaxation time, the so-called behavior of hydrodynamic onset transitions is recovered \cite{Romatschke:2015gic}. However, for a general case with a scale dependent relaxation time, a clear classification broken down because the location of hydrodynamic modes is not well separated from non-hydrodynamic modes.