Heavy quark transverse momentum dependent fragmentation
Lin Dai, Chul Kim, Adam K. Leibovich
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
2023-10-29 16:00:00
In this paper, we investigate the heavy quark (HQ) mass effects on the transverse momentum dependent fragmentation function (TMDFF). We first calculate the one-loop TMDFF initiated by a heavy quark. We then investigate the HQ TMDFF in the limit where the transverse momentum, $q_\perp$ is small compared to the heavy quark mass, $q_\perp \ll m$ and also in the opposite limit where $q_\perp \gg m$. As applications of the HQ TMDFF, we study the HQ transverse momentum dependent jet fragmentation function, where the heavy quark fragments into a jet containing a heavy hadron, and we investigate a heavy hadron's transverse momentum dependent distribution with respect to the trust axis in $e^+e^-$ collisions.