Possible molecular states from interactions of charmed strange baryons
Dan Song, Shu Chen, Shu-Yi Kong, Jun He
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
2023-08-27 16:00:00
In this work, we perform an investigation of possible molecular states composed of two charmed strange baryons from the $\Xi_c^{(',*)}{\Xi}_c^{(',*)}$ interaction, and their hidden-charm hidden-strange partners from the $\Xi_c^{(',*)}\bar{\Xi}_c^{(',*)}$ interaction. With the help of the heavy quark chiral effective Lagrangians, the interactions of charmed strange baryons are described with light meson exchanges. The potential kernels are constructed, and inserted into the quasipotential Bethe-Salpeter equation. The bound states are produced from most interactions considered, which suggests that strong attractions exist widely between the charmed strange baryons. Experimental searching for such molecular states is suggested in future high-precision measurements.