The production of charmonium pentaquark from b-baryon and B-meson decay: SU(3) analysis
Wei-Hao Han, Ji Xu, Ye Xing
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
2023-10-25 16:00:00
In this paper, we study the production of charmonium pentaquark $c \bar c q q q$ from bottom baryon and B-meson decays under the flavor SU(3) symmetry. Decay amplitudes for various processes are parametrized in terms of the SU(3) irreducible nonperturbative amplitudes. A number of relations between decay widths have been deduced. Moreover, the strong decays of pentaquark is also taken into account. These results can be tested in future measurements at LHCb, Belle II and CEPC. Once a few decay branching fractions have been measured, our work could provide hints for exploring new decay channels or new pentaquark states.