On the Nori and Hodge realisations of Voevodsky \'etale motives
Swann Tubach
Mathematics, Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry (math.AG), Number Theory (math.NT)
2023-09-20 16:00:00
We show that the derived category of perverse Nori motives and mixed Hodge modules are the derived categories of their constructible hearts. This enables us to construct $\infty$-categorical lifts of the six operations and therefore to obtain realisation functors from the category of Voevodsky \'etale motives to the derived categories of perverse Nori motives and mixed Hodge modules that commute with the operations. We give a proof that the realisation induces an equivalence of categories between Artin motives in the category of \'etale motives and Artin motives in the derived category of Nori motives. We also prove that if a motivic $t$-structure exists then Voevodsky \'etale motives and the derived category of perverse Nori motives are equivalent. Finally we give a presentation of the indization of the derived category of perverse Nori motives as a category of modules in Voevodsky \'etale motives that gives a continuity result for perverse Nori motives.