Given any asymptotically flat 3-manifold $(M,g)$ with smooth, non-empty, compact boundary $\Sigma$, the conformal conjecture states that for every $\delta>0$, there exists a metric $g' = u^4 g$, with $u$ a harmonic function, such that the area of outermost minimal area enclosure $\tilde{\Sigma}_{g'}$ of $\Sigma$ with respect to $g'$ is less than $\delta$. Recently, the conjecture was used to prove the Riemannian Penrose inequality for black holes with zero horizon area, and was proven to be true under the assumption of existence of only a finite number of minimal area enclosures of boundary $\Sigma$, and boundedness of harmonic function $u$. We prove the conjecture assuming only the boundedness of $u$.