
A Dynamic Model of Integration

Joseph D. Johnson, Marisa C. Eisenberg
Nonlinear Sciences, Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems, Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO), Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases (nlin.CG)
2024-03-04 00:00:00
Thomas Schelling introduced his agent-based model of segregation in 1971 and concluded that even when there is a low amount of intolerance within society that segregation will develop if people follow their individual preferences. A large body of literature building of this framework has been built and has bolstered this claim. This paper aims to take the same framework but instead look for ways to get to an integrated state. We focus on Allport's contact hypothesis that states that if there is equal status among groups, common goals among groups, and an institutional mechanism supporting intergroup contact then intergroup contact can reduce prejudice. We incorporate the contact hypothesis by having individuals adjust their intolerance based on their current neighborhood composition and the ease of conforming to their surroundings. Furthermore, we add in positive and negative media effects, as individuals are likely to get information about an outgroup from the media (e.g., news, TV, movies, etc.) that they consume. We find that having a society composed of individuals who do not easily conform to their surroundings and displaying positive examples of both groups in media promote integration within society.
PDF: A Dynamic Model of Integration.pdf
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