
Analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of a single pendulum driven by a magnetic field using the magnetic charges interaction model and the experimentally fitted interaction model

Bonaventure Nana, Krystian Polczyński, Paul Woafo, Jan Awrejcewicz, Grzegorz Wasilewski
Nonlinear Sciences, Pattern Formation and Solitons, Pattern Formation and Solitons (nlin.PS), Chaotic Dynamics (nlin.CD), Classical Physics (physics.class-ph)
2024-01-19 00:00:00
In this work, we analyzed theoretically and experimentally the nonlinear dynamics of a magnetic pendulum driven by a coil-magnet interaction. The force between the magnetic elements and the resulting torque on the pendulum are derived using both the magnetic charges interaction model and the experimentally fitted interaction model. This enables the comparison between the two models. The current in the coil is taken first as a sinusoidal current and then as a square current. The comparison of the structure of each interaction model is conducted and it appears that they give qualitatively similar characteristics. The harmonic balance method is used to approximate the frequency responses of the pendulum leading to both symmetric and asymmetric or one-side (intrawell) oscillations. The two-parameters bifurcation diagrams are plotted showing the different dynamical behaviors considering the current amplitude and frequency as the control parameters. Good agreements are found between our theoretical results and experimental ones.
PDF: Analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of a single pendulum driven by a magnetic field using the magnetic charges interaction model and the experimentally fitted interaction model.pdf
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