
Deterministic and stochastic surrogate models for a slowly driven fast oscillator

Marcel Oliver, Marc Aurele Tiofack Kenfack
Nonlinear Sciences, Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems, Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO), Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech), Dynamical Systems (math.DS)
2023-09-14 16:00:00
It has long been known that the excitation of fast motion in certain two-scale dynamical systems is linked to the singularity structure in complex time of the slow variables. We demonstrate, in the context of a fast harmonic oscillator forced by one component of the Lorenz 1963 model, that this principle can be used to construct time-discrete surrogate models by numerically extracting approximate locations and residues of complex poles via Adaptive Antoulas-Andersen (AAA) rational interpolation and feeding this information into the known "connection formula" to compute the resulting fast amplitude. Despite small but nonnegligible local errors, the surrogate model maintains excellent accuracy over very long times. In addition, we observe that the long-time behavior of fast energy offers a continuous-time analog of Gottwald and Melbourne's 2004 "0-1 test for chaos" - the asymptotic growth rate of the energy in the oscillator can discern whether or not the forcing function is chaotic.
PDF: Deterministic and stochastic surrogate models for a slowly driven fast oscillator.pdf
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