
Synchronized oscillatory flows in two parallelly connected Starling resistors

Yuki Araya, Hiroaki Ito, Hiroyuki Kitahata
Nonlinear Sciences, Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems, Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO)
2023-11-29 00:00:00
We investigated the synchronization phenomena of the oscillatory flows in two parallelly connected Starling resistors, which are an ideal model system of two coupled collapsible tubes merging into a single tube downstream. The stable synchronization modes depended on the distance between the deformable region and the merging point; only an in-phase mode was stable for the large distance, in-phase and anti-phase modes were bistable for the middle distance, and again only an in-phase mode was stable for the small distance. An anti-phase mode became stable through the subcritical pitchfork bifurcation by decreasing the distance. Further decreasing the distance, the anti-phase mode became unstable through the subcritical Neimark-Sacker bifurcation. We also clarified the distance dependence of the amplitude and frequency for each stable synchronization mode.
PDF: Synchronized oscillatory flows in two parallelly connected Starling resistors.pdf
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