
Direct demonstration of the two-phonon structure of the $J^{\pi} = 1_{4742~\mathrm{keV}}^{-}$ state of $^{88}$Sr

J. Isaak, D. Savran, N. Pietralla, N. Tsoneva, A. Zilges, K. Eberhardt, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, H. Lenske, D. Renisch
Nuclear Experiment, Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)
2023-11-01 16:00:00
We have studied the decay pattern of the $J^{\pi} = 1_{4742~\mathrm{keV}}^{-}$ state of $^{88}$Sr to probe its quadrupole-octupole coupled two-phonon structure. In particular, a unique fingerprint to prove the two-phonon nature is the $E2$ decay strength of the $1_{4742~\mathrm{keV}}^{-} \to 3_{1}^{-}$ transition into the one-octupole-phonon state. $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy was performed after the $\beta$-decay of $^{88}$Rb to obtain the necessary sensitivity for this weak-intensity decay branch. Sufficient amounts of $^{88}$Rb (T$_{1/2}$ = 17.8 min) were produced by neutron activation of natural Rb in the TR IGA Mark II reactor. The results show that the $B(E2)$ value of the $1_{4742~\mathrm{keV}}^{-} \to 3_{1}^{-}$ transition is equal to the $B(E2)$ of the $2_{1}^{+} \to 0_{1}^{+}$ transition, directly demonstrating the quadrupole-octupole coupled two-phonon nature of the $1^-$ state. A comparison of the results with energy-density functional plus quasiparticle-phonon model calculations shows rema rkable agreement, corroborating this assignment.
PDF: Direct demonstration of the two-phonon structure of the $J^{\pi} = 1_{4742~\mathrm{keV}}^{-}$ state of $^{88}$Sr.pdf
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