
First results of evaporation residue cross-section measurements of $^{32}$S+$^{208}$Pb system

R. Sariyal, I. Mazumdar, D. Mehta, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, Gonika, S. M. Patel, P. B. Chavan, S. Panwar, V. Ranga, A. Parihari
Nuclear Experiment, Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)
2023-11-29 00:00:00
The dynamics of heavy ion-induced reactions play a critical role in forming super heavy elements (SHE), and one clear signature of the SHE formation is the evaporation residue (ER). In our pursuit of SHE, we present the heaviest element populated in India for ER cross-section measurements. These are the first-ever measurements of the Evaporation Residue (ER) cross-sections for the nuclear reactions between $^{32}$S and $^{208}$Pb. These measurements were conducted above the Coulomb barrier at four distinct beam energies in the laboratory frame, ranging from 176 to 191 MeV at the pelletron Linac facility at the Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi. The Hybrid Recoil Mass Analyzer (HYRA) in a gas-filled mode was employed for these experiments. The obtained range of ER cross-sections enriches our knowledge and helps advance the field of heavy ion-induced reactions, especially in the context of super heavy element formation.
PDF: First results of evaporation residue cross-section measurements of $^{32}$S+$^{208}$Pb system.pdf
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