
Measurement of the 171Tm beta spectrum

Frédéric Juget, Maarten van Dijk, Emilio Andrea Maugeri, Maria Dorothea Schumann, Stephan Heinitz, Alexey Boyarsky, Ulli Köster, Lesya Shchutska, Claude Bailat
Nuclear Experiment, Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex), Instrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 202 (2023) 111058
2023-07-18 16:00:00
The beta spectrum of the main transition of the beta-decay of 171Tm was measured using a double focalizing spectrometer. The instrument was lately improved in order to reduce its low energy threshold to 34 keV. We used the spectrometer to measure the beta spectrum end-point energy of the main transition of 171Tm decay using the Kurie plot formalism. We report a new value of 97.60(38) keV, which is in agreement with previous measurements. In addition, the spectrum shape was compared with the xi-approximation calculation where the shape factor is equal to 1 and good agreement was found between the theory and the measurement at the 1% level.
PDF: Measurement of the 171Tm beta spectrum.pdf
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