
Study of isospin diffusion from $^{40,48}$Ca$+^{40,48}$Ca experimental data at Fermi energies: direct comparisons with transport model calculations

Q. Fable, L. Baldesi, S. Barlini, Eric Bonnet, Bernard Borderie, Remi Bougault, A. Camaiani, G. Casini, A. Chbihi, Caterina Ciampi, J. A. Dueñas, J. D. Frankland, T. Genard, Diego D. Gruyer, Maxime Henri, Byungsik Hong, S. Kim, A. J. Kordyasz, T. Kozik, Arnaud Le Fèvre, Nicolas Le Neindre, Ivano Lombardo, Olivier Lopez, T. Marchi, Paola Marini, S. H. Nam, Akira Ono, J. Park, M. Pârlog, Silvia Piantelli, A Rebillard-Soulié, G. Verde, E. Vient
Nuclear Experiment, Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex), Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
2023-12-04 00:00:00
This article presents an investigation of isospin equilibration in cross-bombarding $^{40,48}$Ca$+^{40,48}$Ca reactions at $35$ MeV/nucleon, by comparing experimental data with filtered transport model calculations. Isospin diffusion is studied using the evolution of the isospin transport ratio with centrality. The asymmetry parameter $\delta=(N-Z)/A$ of the quasiprojectile (QP) residue is used as isospin-sensitive observable, while a recent method for impact parameter reconstruction is used for centrality sorting.A benchmark of global observables is proposed to assess the relevance of the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) model, coupled to GEMINI++, in the study of dissipative collisions. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering cluster formation to reproduce observables used for isospin transport and centrality studies.Within the AMD model, we prove the applicability of the impact parameter reconstruction method, enabling a direct comparison to the experimental data for the investigation of isospin diffusion.For both, we evidence a tendency to isospin equilibration with an impact parameter decreasing from $9$ to $3$ fm, while the full equilibration is not reached.A weak sensitivity to the stiffness of the equation of state employed in the model is also observed, with a better reproduction of the experimental trend for the neutron-rich reactions.
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